Marley Positive Vibration XL Signature Black (EM-JH141-SB) - Manual de uso - Página 17

Marley Positive Vibration XL Signature Black (EM-JH141-SB)
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인증받은자의 상호: (주)디엠에이씨인터내셔널

제품명/모델명: 특정소출력무선기기(무선데이타통신시스템용무선기기)/


제조자 및 제조국가: FKA Distributing Co., LLC / China

인증번호: R-C-DMV-EM-JH141

제품명 (Product name): Positive Vibration XL

모델명 (Model): EM-JH141

무선 방식 (Operation Frequency): Bluetooth


(2402 – 2480 MHz)

채널 (Radio Channel): 79 channels for BT

무선 채널 (Bluetooth


Mode): BT: 5.0

출력 (Output Power): 3mW

안테나 이득 (Antenna Gain): 1dBi

변조 형식 (Modulation Type): GFSK, π/4-DQPSK, 8DPSK

전원 (Power Supply): 3.7V

Marley and the Marley logo are registered trademarks of Fifty-Six Hope

Road Music Limited and the use of such marks by House of Marley

is under license. The Bluetooth


word mark and logos are registered

trademarks owned by Bluetooth


SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by

House of Marley is under license.

Operating frequency bands: 2402 – 2480MHz

Max Power Transmitted: 2.85dBm for BT


House of Marley, LLC

3000 North Pontiac Trail

Commerce Township, MI 48390 USA

Distributed in Europe by FKA Brands Ltd.,

Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Rd.

Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0GP, UK.



© 2019 House of Marley, LLC.

All Rights Reserved.

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