DeLonghi KH770715_KH770920_KH771225 - Manual de instrucciones

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If your appliance comes fitted with a plug, it will incorporate a 13 Amp fuse. If it does not fit your socket, the plug
should be cut off from the mains lead, and on appropriate plug fitted, as below. WARNING: Very carefully dispo-
se of the cut off plug after removing the fuse: do not insert in a 13 Amp socket elsewhere in the house as this
could cause a shock hazard. With alternative plugs not incorporating a fuse, the circuit must be protected by a
15 Amp fuse. If the plug is a moulded-on type, the fuse cover must be re-fitted when changing the fuse using a
13 Amp Asta approved fuse to BS 1362. In the event of losing the fuse cover, the plug must NOT be used until
a replacement fuse cover can be obtained from your nearest electrical dealer. The colour of the correct replace-
ment fuse cover is that as marked on the base of the plug.


If your appliance is not fitted with a plug, please follow the instructins provided below:




The wires in the mains lead are coloured in
accordance with the following code:

Green and yellow Earth




As the colours of the wires in the mains lead
may not correspond with the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed
as follows:
The green and yellow wire must be connected
to the terminal in the plug marked with the letter
E or the earth symbol      or coloured green or
green and yellow.
The blue wire must be connected to the termi-
nal marked with the letter N or coloured black.
The brown wire must be connected to the termi-
nal marked with the letter L or coloured red.



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