Braun MP80 - Manual de uso - Página 18

Braun Division,
c / o Gillet t e Div. Op . Pvt .
Lt d .,
34, Okhla Ind ust rial Est at e,
New Delhi 110 020,
11 68 30 218
Tehran Bouran Comp any
Irt uc Build ing,
No 874 Enghelab Ave.,
P. O. Box 15815- 1391,
Tehran 11318,
9821 6702175
Ireland (Republic of)
Gavins Shaver Cent re,
83/ 84, Lower Camd en
St reet ,
Dub lin 2,
1800 509 448
S. Sc hest owit z Lt d .,
8 Shac ham St r.,
Tel- Aviv, 49517,
1 800 335 959
Servizio Consumat ori
c / o Gillet t e Group It aly
S.p .A.,
Via G. B. Pirelli, 18,
20124 M ilano,
02 / 6678623
A. Dajani & Sons Co.,
Shamaisani/ Sherif Jamil
Bin Naser St reet ,
P.O. Box 926976,
Amman 11110,
962- 6552 5545
Rad b one - Clark Power
Tec hnic s Lt d .,
P. O. Box 49197,
M omb asa Road ,
Nairob i,
2 82 36 60
STC Ind ust ries
Corp . Braun Division,
32, M ullae - Dong 3- KA,
Youngd eungp o - Ku,
Seoul 150- 090,
080 258 25 89
Union Trad ing Co. W.L.L.,
P. O. Box 28,
Safat Cod e 13001, Kuwait ,
4 83 46 05
Lat int ert ehserviss Co.,
72 Bullu St reet , House 2,
Riga 1067,
2 40 37 19
M agnet SAL - Fat t al HLDG,
P. O. Box 110 - 773,
Beirut ,
1 51 20 02
Elekt ronas AB,
Joint St oc k Comp any,
Kareiviu 6,
2600 Vilnius,
277 76 17
Sogel S. A.,
1 Dernier Sol, BP 1941,
1019 Bonnevoie,
4 00 50 51
Al- M ud d y Joint - St oc k Co.,
Ist anb ul St reet ,
P.O. Box 4996, Trip oli,
21 333 3421
M alaysia
Gillet t e M alaysia Sd n.
Bhd .,
Braun Cust omer Servic e,
11 A Persiaran Selangor,
P. O. B. 7013,
40200 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
3 55 19 21 16
M alta
Kind ’s,
287, Rep ub lic St reet ,
Vallet t a VLT04,
24 71 18
M aroc
Ind imar S.A.,
86, rue d e Chaouia
(ex. rue Colb ert ),
Casab lanc a, 20 000,
2 26 86 31
M artinique
Dec ius Ab salon,
23 Rue d u Vieux- Chemin,
97201 Fort - d e- Franc e
Ced ex,
73 43 15
M auritius
J. Kalac hand & Co. Lt d .,
Bld DBM Ind ust rial Est at e,
St age 11,
Plaine Lauzun,
2 12 53 13
M exico
Braun d e M éxic o y
Cia. d e C.V.,
Calle Cuat ro No. 4,
Frac c . Ind ust rial Alc e
Blanc o,
Nauc alp an d e Juárez
53370, Est ad o d e M éxic o,
01(800) 508 58 00
Gillet t e Groep
Ned erland BV,
Visseringlaan 20- 22,
2288 ER Rijswijk,
070 - 4 13 16 58
New Z ealand
Key Servic e Lt d .,
c / o Gillet t e NZ,
59- 63 Druc es Rd .,
M anakau Cit y,
Auc kland ,
9 - 262 58 38
Braun Gillet t e Jap an Inc .,
Sib er Hegner Bld g.,
7t h Floor,
89 - 1 Yamashit a- c ho,
Naka- ku,
P.O. Box 247,
Yokohama 231- 0023,
4 56 81 79 53
Gillet t e Group Norge AS,
Nils Hansensvei 4,
Post b oks 79 Bryn,
0611 Oslo,
88 02 55 03
Oman ( Sultanate of )
Naranjee Hirjee & Co. LLC.,
10 Ruwi High,
P.O. Box 9, M usc at 113,
703 660
Gillet t e Pakist an Lt d .,
Dr. Ziaud d in Ahmend
Road ,
Karac hi 74200,
21 56 88 930
Paraguay Trad ing S. A.,
Avd a. Art igas y Cac iq ue
Cara Cara,
Asunc ión,
21203350/ 48/ 46
Gillet t e Philip p ines Inc .,
Villongc o Road , Suc at ,
Paranaq ue Cit y,
2 00 22 t o 29
Gillette Poland S.A.,
Budynek Orion, I pi´tro,
ul. Domaniewska 41,
02-672 Warszawa,
22 548 88 88
Gillet t e Port uguesa, Lt d .,
Braun Servic e,
Cent ro Emp resarial
Torres d a Lisb oa,
Rua Tomás d a Fonsec a,
Torre G - 9 º B,
1600- 209 Lisb oa,
217 24 31 30
Al- Baker Trad ing Co.,
P. O. Box 9, Doha,
621 059
Dind ar Confort ,
58, rue M aréc hal Lec lerc ,
P. O. Box 12,
97400 St . Denis,
40 12 50
Eut ron Invest Romania,
St r. Ghe. M anu 3/ 1,
Buc urest i- 1
(40) 01 310 34 47
RTC Sovinservic e
Yasny Proyezd , 10
129081 M osc ow,
(095) 473 90 03
Saudi Arabia
Salem M . Bakhashwain
Sons Co. Lt d .,
P. O. Box 743,
21421 Jed d ah,
65 72 900
Schweiz / Suisse/
Telion AG, Rüt ist rasse 26,
8952 Sc hlieren,
0844- 88 40 10
Singapore (Republic of)
Best e (S) Pt e. Lt d .,
6 Tagore Drive,
# 03- 04 Tagore Ind ust rial
Build ing,
Singap ore 787623,
4 552 24 22
Coming d . d .,
Slovenc eva 024,
1000 Ljub ljana,
386- 01- 560- 40- 00
Tec hno Servis Brat islava
sp ol. s.r.o.,
Bajzova 11/ A,
82108 Brat islava,
7 / 55568161
South Africa
(Republic of)
Fixnet Aft er Sales Servic e,
17B Alland ale Park,
P.O. Box 5716,
Cnr Le Roux and M orkels
Johannesb urg 1685,
M id rand , Gaut eng
11 315 9260/ 1
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Otros modelos de exprimidores Braun
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Braun J300
Braun J700
Braun MPZ 22
Braun MPZ 8