GIGABYTE X299 UD4 Pro - Manual de instrucciones

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Installing a CPU and CPU Cooler

A. Installing an Intel CPU (skip this step if the motherboard has a built-in CPU) 


The sequence of installation may differ depending on the type of case and devices used. The 
installation instructions below apply to GIGABYTE's desktop systems and are for reference 


Refer to the user's manual included for detailed motherboard specifications.


Before installing the devices, make sure they are compliant with the connectors on your computer.


Before installing the devices, be sure to turn off the devices and your computer. Unplug the power cord 
from the power outlet to prevent damage to the devices and the system components.


Place the computer system on a stable surface to prevent improper installation resulted from shaking.


Type B:

Push lever A (closest to the "

" marking) down and away from the socket to release it. Then push 

lever B (closest to the " " marking) down and away from the socket and lift it. Gently press lever A to 
allow the load plate to rise. Open the load plate.

A-1  Refer to the following instructions based on your CPU specifications:


Type A:

Lift the CPU socket lever and the metal load plate will be lifted as well.

a.  If the protective socket cover is fastened on the CPU socket, remove 

it first.

b.  If the protective socket cover is fastened on the metal load plate, do 

not remove it at this stage. The socket cover may pop off from the 
load plate automatically during the process of re-engaging the lever 
after you insert the CPU.

For detailed instructions on installing the CPU, please refer to the user’s manual. 

Lever A

Lever B

A-2  Hold the CPU with your thumb and index fingers. Align the CPU pin one marking (triangle) with the pin 

one corner of the CPU socket (or you may align the CPU notches with the socket alignment keys) and 
gently insert the CPU into position. 

A-3  Once the CPU is properly inserted, replace the load plate and push the CPU socket lever back into its locked position. 

Once the type B is properly inserted, carefully replace the load plate. Then secure lever B under its retention 
tab. The socket cover may pop off from the load plate during the process of engaging the lever. Finally, 
secure lever A under its retention tab to complete the installation of the CPU.
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