JBL Control X Wireless - Manual de instrucciones - Página 1

JBL Control X Wireless Sistema de sonido – Manual de instrucciones en formato pdf, léalo en línea gratis. Esperamos que le ayude a resolver cualquier duda que pueda tener al utilizar el aparato.

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2-way 5.25” (133mm) Portable Stereo Bluetooth






 brand has been involved in every aspect of music, 

film recording and reproduction from live performances to the 

recordings you play in the home, car, or on-the-go. We’re confident 

that the JBL system you have chosen will provide every note 

of enjoyment that you expected and that when you think about 

purchasing additional audio equipment for your home, car or office, 

you will once again choose a JBL product.

The JBL Control X is an advanced indoor/outdoor* Bluetooth



active loudspeaker system that allows you to enjoy your favorite 

music in remote locations around the home or in commercial 

spaces. To ensure trouble-free performance, please carefully read 

these instructions completely before connecting or using  

the system. 

*Please note that while the JBL Control X WIRELESS is 

an all weather outdoor loudspeaker, it is not waterproof. 

These speakers should NOT be submerged or directly 

exposed to water, ice, snow or sustained moisture. Do 

not spray water into the speaker’s rear port.





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