Bosch TDS 1216 - Manual de uso - Página 8

- Página 29 – χНЯОrtОnМТas РОnОraХОs НО sОРurТНaН; ϊОsМrТpМТяn
- Página 30 – δХОnar НО aРua ОХ НОpяsТto; RОРuХaМТяn НО Хa tОЦpОratura; RОРuХaМТяn НОХ nТЯОХ НО Яapor
- Página 32 – PХanМСaНo ЯОrtТМaХ; ϊТsposТtТЯo antТРotОoέ
- Página 33 – SuОХa НО protОММТяn tОбtТХ; δТЦpТОгa; InПorЦaМТяn soЛrО ОХТЦТnaМТяn
- Página 34 – SoХuМТonОs para pОquОюos proЛХОЦas; EstО ЦanuaХ puОНО sОr НОsМarРaНo НОsНО Хa pпРТna ХoМaХ НО ψosМС
χПtОr tСО ТnТtТaХ 1 ЦТnutО pОrТoНμ
• “eco” setting is automatically selected.
• The “ActiveControl Advanced” indicator lamp (3)
όroЦ tСТs ЦoЦОnt on, аСОn tСО СanНХО (1) oП tСО
Тron Тs РrТppОН or ТП tСО stОaЦ aМtТЯatТon Лutton (β)
Тs prОssОН at stОaЦ sОttТnРμ
• The “ActiveControl Advanced” indicator lamp (3)
• The pump starts working and steam is generated
IП tСО СanНХО (1) Тs rОХОasОНμ
• Steam generation will stop.
• The “ActiveControl Advanced” indicator lamp (3) will
• The iron shuts off automatically. If the handle is
gripped again, the iron turns on.
IП tСО Тron rОЦaТns pХuРРОН Тn anН Тs not usОН Пor
sОЯОraХ ЦТnutОsμ
• After the handle (1) is touched or the steam activation
button (2) is pushed again, the green light starts
• Steam generation will not be possible for several
seconds, until the appropriate working temperature
has been reached.
IronТnР аТtС stОaЦ
TСО stОaЦ МontroХ Тs usОН to aНУust tСО aЦount
oП stОaЦ proНuМОН аСОn ТronТnР (sОО “sОttТnР tСО
stОaЦ aЦountس sОМtТon)έ
Steam can be generated in two ways :
1έ ωontТnuous stОaЦ РОnОratТon μ
• Set the steam control to “eco” or “max” position.
• Grip the handle (1).
βέ StОaЦ on НОЦanН μ
• Set the steam control to the “ ” position, to cancel
continuous steam generation while gripping the handle
(1). On this setting, steam can only be produced
when manually pressing the steam activation button
(2) under the handle.
• Press the steam activation button (2).
IЦportant μ
• Steam is only available if the temperature control (15)
is set at the steam symbols - between “••” and
• Adjust the temperature setting and then set the
steam control according to the table below. Steam
will automatically be produced:
Temperature control (15) setting
Steam setting
••• to “max”
Note: Once a steam ironing setting has been chosen
using the temperature control (15), steam generation
may be delayed for several seconds until the appropriate
working temperature has been reached.
IronТnР аТtСout stОaЦ
TСТs ОnaЛХОs tСО Тron to ЛО usОН Пor Нrв ТronТnРέ
• Grip the handle (1) and set the steam control to the
• The temperature control (15) adjusts the temperature
of the soleplate (13). Set it to the corresponding
position by lining it up with the temperature index (14)
on the iron.
Select an appropriate temperature for the type of
material being ironed (see “setting the temperature”
• While ironing, do not press the steam activation
button (2).
TСТs Мan ЛО usОН to rОЦoЯО stuЛЛorn аrТnФХОsέ
• Do not use the spray function with silk as staining
may occur.
• When ironing, press the spray button (7) and water will
spray out of the spray nozzle (10) onto the garment.
SСot oП stОaЦ
TСТs Мan ЛО usОН to rОЦoЯО stuЛЛorn аrТnФХОs or to
prОss Тn a sСarp МrОasО or pХОatέ It Мannot ЛО usОН
on a sвntСОtТМ sОttТnР Пor НОХТМatО ТtОЦsέ
• Set the temperature control (15) to the “•••” or “max”
• Set the steam control to the “max” position.
• Press the shot of steam button (6) on the handle
repeatedly at intervals of 5 seconds.
TСТs Мan ЛО usОН to rОЦoЯО МrОasОs ПroЦ СanРТnР
МХotСОs, МurtaТns ОtМέ It Мannot ЛО usОН on a
sвntСОtТМ sОttТnР Пor НОХТМatО ТtОЦsέ
ϊo not Тron МХotСТnР аСТХО Тt Тs ЛОТnР аorn!
ІОЯОr spraв or aТЦ tСО stОaЦ at pОrsons or
• Set the temperature control (15) to the “•••” or “max”
position and the steam control to the position.
• Hold the iron in an upright position about 15 cm away
from the garment being steamed.
• Press the steam activation button (2). The shot of
steam button (6) on the handle may be additionally
pressed at intervals of 5 seconds. However, after
4 shots of steam, wait for 10 seconds to allow for
continued steam production.
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es δО aРraНОМОЦos Хa МoЦpra НО Хa pХanМСa a Яapor TϊS1β НО ψosМСέEstО ЦoНОХo Оs un МОntro НО pХanМСaНo МoЦpaМtoέ EХ aРua Оs ЛoЦЛОaНa a prОsТяn СaМТa Хa МпЦara НО ЯaporТгaМТяn por ЦОНТo НО una ЛoЦЛa ОspОМТaХέ δa МantТНaН НО Яapor apХТМaНa soЛrО Хas prОnНas Оs supОrТor a Хa НО una pХanМСa МonЯОnМТonaХ...
es χntОs НО usar Хa pХanМСa por ЯОг prТЦОra Retire de la suela (13) cualquier etiqueta o tapa de protección. Para más detalles relativos a las siguientes acciones, consulte los capítulos correspondientes en este mismo manual.• Con la plancha desenchufada, llene el depósito (11) con agua de la red y ...
es PХanМСaНo ЯОrtТМaХ (κ) UtТХíМОХo para ОХТЦТnar arruРas НО prОnНas МoХРaНas НО pОrМСas, МortТnas, ОtМέІo НОЛО sОr usaНo Оn prОnНas sТntцtТМas o tОУТНos НОХТМaНosέ !χtОnМТяn! Іo proвОМtО ОХ Яapor soЛrО ropa puОstaέІo НТrТУa ОХ МСorro НО Яapor СaМТa pОrsonas o anТЦaХОs • Ajuste la maneta de selecci...
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